Let's all be well

We made it a full week.  But this is just the beginning.  Numbers of those ill are increasing. Death reports are now to 4 in Indiana, but much higher elsewhere.  We still have a sense of bubble here, but the county is claiming a public health disaster in an effort to secure funding for later relief.

Instead of the usual "Have a nice day", I have taken to saying "Be well". I am praying for the expectant mother's I am supporting.  Birth is uncertain enough without this added stress.

We continue to organize the house for better function.  A cleared back porch and unneeded items out of the basement help towards the cause.  Tomorrow is Sunday, so I hope for a day of rest and restoration.

Art is a universal way of expression and comfort.  The kids enjoyed participating in a community chalk drawing.  Everyone visited at different times to complete the rainbow.  The translation is "Let's all be well."
A little bit of hope for the day appeared in my garden.  More crocuses have joined my snowdrops. They should open in the next day or two.  Spring is here.  May healing soon follow.


  1. Thanks for swinging by and adding your touch to the rainbow! I love that we can stay connected as a community even though we have to be apart.


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