Remembering how to breathe

Hi there!  It has been a while. I will take the fact I haven't felt the need to write here the past few years as a good sign.  While we have journeyed through multiple seasons in the past four years, we have found our way somehow.  That is something to be proud of.

Now I'm feeling compelled to share my thoughts and experiences again.  There are new challenges, goals, fears, and concerns to discuss.  I am pretty sure there are others out there with similar experiences that need encouragement.  I also know there are those that don't relate, but I want to share my perspective to maybe broaden some views.

There are a lot of suggestions of changes for our world right now.  Some are pretty scary and others could possibly be good.  Finding the balance between holding our breath and taking in a deep breath is hard.  The phrase just breathe just doesn't cut it these days.

Trying to figure out what to do with myself, I am remembering that I am created and loved by God.  He made me with purpose and in his image.  So I guess that also makes me a creator.  So this week I have been using my hands to create.

My sewing machine is back in use.  I am trying new recipes.  I am creating space for myself to feel and express myself.  I am helping others as I can.  I am trying the learn how to breathe in this new air.

Come join me on this ever evolving "Journey Through Summer".


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