Kids will find a way to play

Today was the first day I didn't leave the house since this COVID-19 journey began.  Sunday worship was from our couch and the weather wasn't inspiring for me to want to be outside.

I did pack up some clothes to share with our neice. All seasons of clothing to share as Spring likes to act like Winter and Winter liked to act like spring.  Kudos to the post office for offering free package pickup so we can stay home.

The kids though, had a full day.  Walks in the snow, snowball fights with the neighbors, game night, free play and videos may the day go by quickly.
Tomorrow we get back into a routine.  A some point this week I will be gone for work.  I need to organize activities for the kids to do while with John.  Something for the to-do list tomorrow.  I am hoping by the end of the week we will have some hope that all this distancing has made a difference.  We shall see.


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