Chill of Summer

There are still about a dozen days of summer before autumn makes its official appearance.  Even so, there has already been a chill in the air during these last few days of summer.

One could blame the recent hurricanes for the chill in the weather, but there is another kind of chill creeping in.

My daughter sought warmth this morning with her winter coat.  Not until she actually tested the temperature herself, did she believe that a light jacket will suffice.

My body felt tinged with cold yesterday and today.  A battle of the air conditioner against the cold temperatures outside; the house just could not feel warm.  But there was another kind of coldness as well.

The summer warmth of time spent together at a relaxed paced has crept away as the busy schedules of school, homework, interviews, and appointments crowded in over the past month.

I find myself drawn into the role of student.  I am reading three books at once, with two others calling for my attention.  The call to teach, learn, and share is strong and leaves little time to warm oneself with thoughts of my own.

And yet, I find myself seeking warmth.  Yesterday the whole family sat at the kitchen table to play.  Some with cards, others with play dough.  I waited on the dishes; instead staying close to my loved ones. 

Various moments throughout the raining weekend I felt my heart swell over the joy of being Mom to these great kids.

Taking time is like putting on a warm coat against a cold and busy life.  Without doing this, we may become frozen, unable to do anything at all.

Stay warm my friends.  Seek it. Maybe then, we can all hold on to a bit of summer.


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