Don't forget me Mommy

"Don't forget me Mommy!"

These words came out of my youngest child's mouth this evening as he prepared to go upstairs for bed with his Daddy.  Such simple words heavy with so much meaning.  I can't imagine forgetting the person that wakes me up each morning at 6:30AM and is one of the last people I see before I fall asleep.  But for this little guy, he needs the reassurance that Mommy will still be there when he needs me. 

The evening had some rough moments.  Lessons being taught about not punching sister.  Tears of frustration for not getting his way.  Seeking comfort with mom, but being told milk time would have to wait until bed.  Being three can be so hard.  As parents we try to set good guidelines and examples and be there for reassurances when needed.

Hence, the "Don't forget me Mommy!" request tonight. 

Eventually he won't need mommy at bedtime.  Time with friends will replace time with mom.  An occasional call from college, a card for Mothers Day.  Some day I will be the one saying "Don't forget me!".


Or maybe by continuing to remember him now and always he will do the same for his Mommy.  I can only hope and love always.


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