Time for a break

Today we needed a break.  Yesterday's news dampened some of the urgency on completing school work.  A week of daily updates of restrictions had stressed out our bodies, minds, and spirits.  So today we chilled out.

Some of us were in PJs till noon.  I spent time in digital community with my women's Bible study group.  We had nap/quiet time, which was glorious.  We watched a nature film and music videos.  Dinner was made by a local small business, so I didn't have to plan dinner.
It is good to rest.
It is also good to have community.  I did drag the kids outside for a walk around the block.  Each wrote a note to a neighborhood friend to place in their mailbox.  Hopefully they will get a reply.
Tomorrow we are all home.  Things will happen, other things won't.  That is ok.  We will still be in quarantine the next day too.


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