Looking for a new rhythm
I wonder if any consideration was given when deciding to end the school year right before a holiday weekend. I realize there is probably no perfect solution, but taking kids out of a very structures environment and straight into a holiday schedule is a recipe for less than happy kids. The youngest is convinced he has infinite energy and doesn't need time for rest. Mommy begged to differ today, so the household was given a mandatory quiet time hour in one's room. Of course everyone slept except the youngest. In preparation of our first summer adventure, we loaded up the van for our first family shopping trip in forever. 'Mr. I don't need a nap' was asleep before we reached out second stop. Sigh. Venturing out doesn't feel as intimidating as it did a year ago. We are still wearing masks even though John and I are vaccinated. The places we shop; we make use of curbside pickup or stores still requiring masks. We appreci...