I told myself it would be important
There is an envelope that has been on our refrigerator for a year now. Inside are bright pink posted notes. A collection of to-do lists. To an ordinary passerby it wouldn't seem very important. But to me, it was my lifeline a year ago. A year ago our world shifted. Plans made months in advance were gone in the wind. With the world facing a pandemic, I myself was in need of some bit of control over the situation. So I decided to focus on what I could do. And that was the beginning of the to-do list. I honestly thought that I would have more post-its in the envelope. But I'm glad that the opposite is true. For a while I needed something to hold on to and direct my actions during that uncertain time, we found a way of living within the chaos. That summer we made a bucket list. The kids shared the experiences they had been looking forward to for the summer. We weren't sure if we were able to reach that far to do everything on...