Self Care - Not always done by yourself
Being a mom, wife, doula, etc. often has me taking care of the needs of others leaving little time for myself. Finding time for myself sometime seems impossible and selfish. While reading a book for work, the author talked about how many of the things we think are impossible, turn out to be possible after all. Think of all the things we have done which we thought would never happen. Simple things like riding a bike, learning to read, even finishing that 12 minute mile test in gym class ... all were achieved in time. Other things like getting through a really rough parenting day, starting a new career, moving to a completely new country; all impossible sounding, but not really impossible. The point the author was trying to make is that if you want something done, you need to realize you are worth it, gather a team of those who will support you, decide what you want, and go for it. So this week, I decided to look at the things that were causing me stress...